Homo Faber Exibition

The Meeting of Art and Crafts in Venice

In September 2024, Venice returns as the stage for one of the most anticipated cultural events of the year: Homo Faber. Now in its third edition, this extraordinary event celebrates the excellence of international craftsmanship, emphasizing a unique dialogue between tradition and innovation, craftsmanship and creativity.

The Essence of Homo Faber

Organized by the Michelangelo Foundation for Creativity and Craftsmanship, Homo Faber is more than just an exhibition. It is an experiential journey through the world of artistic craftsmanship, where world-renowned master artisans, designers and artists come together to share their skills and visions. Taking place at the picturesque Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, the event will transform Venice into a crossroads of cultures and craft traditions from around the world.

What’s New in 2024

The September 2024 edition promises to exceed the expectations of previous years, introducing a series of new thematic exhibitions and interactive installations that explore the role of crafts in the 21st century. These include exhibits dedicated to endangered crafts, where the public will be able to discover centuries-old techniques threatened by modernity, and projects that combine craftsmanship and technology, showing how ancient traditions can coexist and be enriched through innovation.

A Unique Itinerary Among the Wonders of Craftsmanship

During Homo Faber, visitors will have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique itinerary divided into several thematic sections. Each section will be curated by internationally renowned experts, who will guide the public through an immersive experience among works of art, live demonstrations and meetings with the artisans themselves. It will be possible to witness the creation of artifacts in real time, exploring up close the creative process that transforms raw materials into unique works.

Focus on Young Talents

A central aspect of Homo Faber 2024 will be the enhancement of young talent. The event will give space to new generations of emerging artisans and designers, offering them a prestigious showcase to exhibit their creations. This focus on young people not only emphasizes the importance of preserving craft traditions, but also of stimulating continuous evolution and innovation in the field.

Venice: The Perfect Scenography

One cannot talk about Homo Faber without mentioning the enchanting setting that hosts it. Venice, with its thousands of years of history and cultural richness, is the ideal location for an event of such magnitude. The Island of San Giorgio Maggiore, the exhibition’s main venue, offers a breathtaking view of the lagoon and a setting of rare beauty, which helps make the Homo Faber experience even more magical and unforgettable.

Mark the dates in your diary for September 2024 and get ready for an experience that will make you see craftsmanship in a whole new light. Homo Faber awaits you in Venice, to celebrate together the beauty of “savoir faire” and the hands that, with passion and dedication, create works capable of lasting.